Wednesday, January 24

Cherchez-vous un campagnon?

Oui, je cherche une compagnon. Je ne veux pas beaucoup d'amis, mais un bon ami est assez bien. Une petite amie, je voudrais la cherche. Je suis amoureux? Non... Je ne veux pas ĂȘtre seul.

Well, I don't know... Is it just me, or is it I am just someone very irritating and annoying to you, like a thorn in the flesh?
If it is true, I would prefer to be told to me directly about it than just doing it implicitly.

Busy busy busy...why do I choose to do some much work? Does it really matter, if I just skip some meetings or just dont do any work? I feel so cheap, like a child worker being exploited in sweatshops, enduring long hours of drudgery, only to gain meagre CCA points.

Well, anything that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Perhaps.
But the issue here is not being stronger but being able to survive.

One day...I am gonna prove you guys wrong. I am not a nobody.

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