Friday, August 31

The quiet stillness

Dark corridors...

Silent walls...

The still air...

Its the perfect time for me to do my work. No disturbance, no disruptions, just distraction from my laptop.

Somehow, i just had to sit here and enjoy the calmness, the peacefulness.
No momentum to start work, no motivation to initiate it.

A serene night, with a tinge of loneliness.
mixed feelings...

Arrgghh!! it must be those jay chou songs playing repeatedly on my laptop.

安静- Its one of the first jay chou songs I ever heard. Yeah, when I first came to Singapore, it was Ho Wai's favourite song. I guess it was his influence that I began to like that song too. When ever I hear that song I was reminded of the first few months in Singapore. It was very much different then. Somehow, back then the future seemed brighter, or maybe I wasn't think much about the future.
Funny isn't it?

Well, what's even funnier, certain songs remind me of my secondary school days. Last time, I loved to play those Richard Clayderman songs. That was when I just started learning the piano. I was so anxious just learning more and more songs. (mainly to show off I guess) That time, all I ever looked forward was recess, PE, going back home after school and playing starcraft and red alert. Back then, badminton was what I always looked forward for.

Funny how the quietness of this room is working on my mind.

Tuesday, August 28

哥 林 多 前 书 13:4-8

爱 是 恒 久 忍 耐 , 又 有 恩 慈 。 爱 是 不 嫉 妒 。 爱 是 不 自 夸 。 不 张 狂 。

不 作 害 羞 的 事 。 不 求 自 己 的 益 处 。 不 轻 易 发 怒 。 不 计 算 人 的 恶 。

不 喜 欢 不 义 。 只 喜 欢 真 理 。

凡 事 包 容 。 凡 事 相 信 。 凡 事 盼 望 。 凡 事 忍 耐 。

爱 是 永 不 止 息 。 先 知 讲 道 之 能 , 终 必 归 于 无 有 。 说 方 言 之 能 , 终 必 停 止 , 知 识 也 终 必 归 于 无 有 。

Sunday, August 26

life is getting more real...

University life is starting to seep in for me. I began to realize that when I started dozing off during lecture. Yes, my brain is starting to shut down during lecture - which means I am getting not enough sleep.(or maybe the lectures are too boring) Furthermore, I couldn't understand French.

Yeah, my last sem routine is sinking in again: waking up at 845am for a 9am class, dozing off in lecture, playing dota right after dinner, slacking during the time when I plan to study, having no mood to study...

And I have bravely took up many hall activities again. Hehe...maybe I shouldn't be too ambitious but I was too eager to try to make a change around me. But with the right attitude and lots of prayer, I guess I'll make it through.

But the main difference between 'me in this new semester' and the the 'old me' is that I am smiling more, taking things more positively. Maybe because now things are going my way, that's why I am so happy. Maybe its because I get to eat more good food too...HaHaHa..But when things don't go my way, I hope I could still really be happy in my heart. Anyways, there is no good reason for me to be sad also, because there are people out there who are less fortunate than me.

But sometimes, it feels lonely here in c115.

Tuesday, August 21

If life were a piece paper...

If life were a piece of paper...
What would I write on my piece of paper?

Would I write long, complicated sentences or short, simple questions?
Would I write unfinished sentences or would I put a full stop to each sentence before I start the next sentence?
Would I have many sentences ending with question marks or exclamation marks?

Mistakes are unavoidable while writing.
Sometimes we can erase or use correction fluid...
Sometimes we have no choice but to cross out the mistakes. Unfortunately, the crossed out mistakes are still visible, but we just have to ignore it and continue writing...
Sometimes, when there are so many crosses and cancellations that the paper looks so messy, we just wish we could throw the paper away and start with a new piece. But, the truth is, we have only one piece of paper...Fortunately, we can cancel everything in the starting paragraphs and start a new paragraph on the new section of that piece of paper. After all, we are still young, there are still lots of spaces left on our piece of paper.

Some would try to write as much as possible within their piece of paper, making their paper as full as possible...
Some would try to scribble a few sentences leaving much of the paper blank...
Some people organize their writings into paragraphs, some don't...
Some people would plan before they write, some would just write impromptu...

Some people write very descriptively...
Some people write very mechanically following a certain structure while using all various jargons...
Some people write very formally..
Some people write poetically...
Some people write very abstractly, which is not easily understood...

Writer's block is often how would some handle it?
Some just stop writing and give up...
Some wait for inspiration then continue...
Some just continue writing for the sake of writing...

Inevitably, all writings would come to an end. How would I end it?
Would I have enough space left to write my concluding paragraph?
Will I be able to write a concluding paragraph if my content paragraphs were so haphazard and messy?

So in the end, it doesn't matter whether I am an A4 paper, whether you are an A3 paper or he is an A5 paper. Everybody has a different piece of paper. Some people get to write more because they are A3 papers, some people get to write less. Life is often unfair. In the end, what matters is whether you have fully utilized the amount of space you have on your piece of paper to bring across your message. Is our handwriting too messy that we cannot bring out a clear message to the others?

In the end, others will be reading your piece of paper, not only yourself...very often, we do not write for ourselves...

What is the message you are trying to let others know on your piece of paper?

Friday, August 17

Caesar 4...

Quite fun playing it =)

Monday, August 13

School Starts...

Unfortunately, I missed the 2 first lectures of my new semester.

The Piano exam this morning was fine. My sister commented that I came out of the exam room smiling which was much better than last year when I came out black faced and I even scolded my poor sis. Haha...maybe not because I performed better, but I was expecting less this time around. Anyways, my dad said I could take it again next year also just in case I fail...

Anyways, tech crew was much more fun than expected. Really get to know other people better. Haha... I really enjoyed working with kewei, having 9pm meetings with wei de and luo hui, talking nonsense, being childish, acting for other people's films, going for breakfast, going for supper, eating yummy desserts and drinking herbal tea and chicken soup mainly cooked by welfare team kewei, luo hui and other kind tech crew members such as ying qian, kelly, sheau yun (ex-tech crew).

the 7th tech crew members are really so fortunate...

anyways...thats all I did during the holidays. mainly I only remembered the food events in tech crew....