Wednesday, December 27

What's wrong in my life..

Due to unforseen circumstances, I am at Singapore now, spending whatever left of my holidays here. Amidst this busy schedule, I realised that "why am I doing all these things?" Are all these things really worth the effort and time?

Mindless, useless, meaningless...That's how all these activities seem to me at the moment...

That's it! I've messed up enough of my life...Its time to deal with it.

I am just like a kid, still holding on to my life, still wanting to have control in my life. Its time to set priorities right.

Its time I should stop living for myself but live for Christ. Till this day, I am still not willing to surrender my life to Him, trust Him, live by faith, and claim His promises...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Mindless, useless, meaningless...That's how all these activities seem to me at the moment..." - So quoteth Ecclesiastes ;)

"Its time I should stop living for myself but live for Christ. Till this day, I am still not willing to surrender my life to Him, trust Him, live by faith, and claim His promises..." - I know that's a damn lot harder than it sounds =/

good luck and happy new year :)