Tuesday, March 24

when time stood still...

There is this pendulum in the Pantheon at Paris which tells the time. Suspended 67 metres from above, the golden ball oscillates periodically around a circle, indicating time.

The mechanism behind this pendulum is simple. Its plane of oscillation remain unchanged with respect to the stars. The only thing that moves is the Pantheon, or in fact is the Earth itself. The Earth rotates around the pendulum or the Pantheon moves along the pendulum making it seem as though the pendulum is moving in a circle within the Pantheon.

Once a while, we become like this pendulum - we detach ourselves from the ground of reality hanging on to the thread of escapism, wishing that time would pass us by while we go along this fix trajectory of what we want our lives to be.

We delude ourselves that we are not moving while the fact is that even if we refuse to move, our surroundings will change and we'll be changing with respect to it, though unwillingly and unknowingly.

Time just marches on relentlessly.

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