Tuesday, March 25

my dear VHDL

Well, after lunch today, I've decided to stay back in my room to study for my VHDL pratical test tomorrow (Its a programming language: VHSIC Hardware Description Language ( VHSIC: Very high speed integrated circuits) ) Even the name sounds long and complicated.

I was hiding myself in the room and had much progress in my VHDL until I got the sms from Wei De asking me to help him book the main tv lounge and get the key. 'Oh wells', I said to myself, 'got to do what the boss wants'. So, out I go out of my room, not anticipating the various distractions that await me outside my cozy room.

I've reached the office and to my dismay, Wu Teng has already booked the lounge and took the key. My efforts were futile. And just when I started walking back to my room, my ears picked up a faint music emanating from the comm hall. The sound was so good, I just had to find out who played it. From the top, I could see a girl, but I didn't know who was it. Then I've decided to walk nearer to find out who she is (Which now I realised it was a bad move).

It was Shi Min.(The girl I knew from lights in productions) I didn't know she played the piano, and she played it quite nicely too. It was a nice korean song with nice chords...very nice... Then gerry came along as well. The next thing I knew, I spent the whole afternoon listening to the piano, playing a few pieces here and there and exchanging scores.

And then suddenly, it was dinner time.

Wow, there goes my afternoon....

Well, after dinner its back to VHDL again. But that didnt last long coz at 8pm, I went to play squash with Shu Yan. Yup, after 1 hour of playing, its back to VHDL before the VPU meeting which starts at 10pm.

Now, it is after the VPU meeting, but VHDL can wait....after I finish this blog post...

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