Sunday, February 8

Weekend Cycling

Lately, there is this craze among the 'Singaporeans' here in Lyon about cycling. The case is simple: A bicycle renting company, known as 'Velo' rents bicycles at automated machines all around Lyon. The charges are 1€ per hour and 2€ for the 2nd hour. But for the first 30minutes, its FREE!!!

So, the deal is - we can cycle to anywhere within 30 minutes and park the bicycles at the nearest station, we could save 1,60€ on trams and metros. If the given destination is too far, we have to park our bicycles and wait for 10 minutes before renting out another bicycle.

A huge Velo station near Part-Dieu

So we cycled in the rain to the Musee Des Beaux Arts. Of course, being cam whores, we did what we must do - take pictures!!

Hamon taking Kartik's picture in front of the Plate 'Musee Des Beaux Arts'

Me trying to imitate the sculpture in the museum courtyard

We had our personal tour guide, Yoke Hian, who took 3 semesters worth of Arts History to guide us through the renaisance paintings to baroque era and then romantic era, surrealism, impressionism and finally the modern 20th century art.

Some of the pictures were illustrated above

After that, we cycled to the cinema to watch an American movie with a french title and subbed french subtitles. Great way to learn French

After the show, it was snowing!!! Yeah!

Captured in snow...


ls said...

They actually allow you to SNAP in museums??? Wah! I tot those flash and whatsoeva from cameras can kill the paint or sumthing, haha.

Victor Liew Chu Ern said...

Yup, we can even flash at the mona lisa, the most expensive painting around!! HAHaha...but some private museums dun allow photography..