Sunday, November 2

Yeah...being charitable means more work

Alright..time to start working on my lab reports and projects. This final 3 weeks will be my busiest ever...Also, anntic stuff has to be settled too...

Well, the trip to the hospital was quite a good experience last Saturday, even though it was such a nice rainy cool Saturday morning.

The old lady seemed to be ever optimistic about life and I'm quite surprised when I asked her how she like the food there and stuff, she said "makan di sini sedap!"... "Sini saya happy juga..." LOL...I think we youngsters are even more pessimistic than her.

Sometimes, I wonder whatever that we have done that day does really make a difference. To me, it is just some simple(a bit silly) games. Even if they do enjoy the games, we are just providing temporal relieve and happiness...

We're not solving their problems. We are just injecting a dosage of happiness to them.


sp said...

thats better than none

Victor Liew Chu Ern said...

Is it like feeding a hungry man today, so that he could starve tomorrow and die??

Anonymous said...

why so cynical? (: perhaps you're feeding him so that he'll remain alive for the day that another person will come to feed him, and it goes on and on.

though i guess there would be no "on and on" if we all feel tt there's no point in our own one-day-dosage (:

Victor Liew Chu Ern said...

Haha...I guess, lately I'm being more pessimistic...reading more of Ecclesiastes. Well,coz the author says all things die in the end... the thinking mode today...