Sometimes, I feel like a hamster. Like this one above ^ (Cute right?)

Well, if you think its another random post...
You're right!!
The past few weeks, particularly last week, I was struggling quite a bit with my project. The results were devastating, demoralizing, discouraging, ... (Sorry, I've a limited vocabulary...)
To sum it up: It sucks!
I've been so discouraged by it that I tried to escape from, avoid it, run away from it, only to meet it again this week.
Not only that, there are so many other commitments...So many things...
Just like the hamster on the wheel - it is running as fast as it could, but in the end, it is still in the cage. It can't escape it...Sounds sad right?
What I've been reminded from Ecclesiastes (A depressing book in the Bible, which also happens to be anntic's theme book this year):
'For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.' (1:18)
'Then I saw wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness. The wise man's eyes are in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. Yet I myself perceived that the same event happens to them all...For there is no more remembrance of the wise than of the fool forever, since all that now is will be forgotten in days to come. And how does a wise man die? As the fool!'(2:13-16)
Ok some of you might become defensive and start arguing about it. Sorry to sound so cynical. Even the author of the book Ecclesiastes does sound cynical and yet contradicting at times...Just like our human nature - full of contradictions
Are we not trying to find meaning in life?? Aren't we trying to fill our lives with things that we think are precious??
I've been running away for the past week...Playing more dota, going out enjoying myself, going back home, idling, sleeping...
Only to find out that I'm just running round and round the hamster wheel.
One thing i'm going to find out - which many Christians claim - a life lived for God brings much joy and meaning...
Very fine......
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