Sunday, October 12


Have you ever went through those nights where you just don't feel like doing anything. Not just work in particular...even don't feel like playing games, dont feel like leaving the room...
just feel like lying down on my bed and stare at the ceiling...
just want to stare at the whiteness of the ceiling....
just staring at the shadows of the rotating ceiling fan...

Well, I'm having one of those nights...I had been staring at the ceiling for the past 30mins...

well, probably last week had been busy...or perhaps I'm feeling exhausted...or perhaps the feeling of helplessness having so much things to do but not knowing which to do...but those are just excuses...
Its just slothfulness, laziness, slacking, idleness, sluggishness...whatever you called it...

Somethings, we just feel lazy...


But laziness is something to be condemned! Woe to me!

I still have the numerous work and other commitments to do!

ah...back to work! Work! Work!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuen Hoe's verdict ~ You need ANIME. :P