Sunday, April 15

I'm sorry...

Firstly, I am saying sorry to myself. I have been torturing myself recently by going to either extremes : spending 20 hours studying non-stop, or playing dota and doing nothing the whole day.

2ndly, Sorry to my friends whom I have disturbed them while they were studying.

3rdly, sorry to those friends who are constantly enduring my talking nonsense of "being pro", "i am cool", "my sparta body"....u know. Sorry for being a nuisance. Yeah, I admit: I am not cool, I am not pro...coz only insecure people speak alot to get attention - that shows alot of myself.

4thly, sorry to a friend whom I should have trusted more. Yeah, I know u r dissappointed in me. U said it urself. Sorry... I know we havent talked to each other for long and when we do talk, I always find something to quarrel with u. REally sorry!! I really hope to rebuild the friendship. I really hope it could be like last time. Please dont still be mad at me =(

5thly, sorry for being so inconsistent. Sorry in my different treatment with different people. sorry for different treatment of same people when I am in different moods.

6thly, sorry to all my friends for being so selfish.

7thly, sorry to my friends for being so insensitive.

8thly, sorry for my lack of patience and impulsiveness.

9thly, sorry to those friends whom endured my ranting despite they themselves are facing worst problems than me. Yeah, thanks alot! It really helps me to put in better perspective.

10thly, sorry spoiling the mood of u guys when u all go out. I know, the world doesnt revolve around me. I am really sorry I didnt realised that when I am at bad moods...thats y I am selfish and insensitive.

11thly, I m sorry for my hypocrisy. for example I preach about being content, but I am not contented. blah blah...

12thly, sorry to myself for the lack of discipline. Doing things that I shouldnt do just because I feel lazy or I am bored and seek pleasure..Woe be to me.

13thly, sorry to the anti-jiwang president for posting this kind of post...haha...sometimes, I nid to confront with reality and admit all my shortcomings..

There are many more shortcomings I am aware of myself, but for now, these are the ones I nid to deal with first.


sp said...

Yea to solve a problem u need to face it :)

and writing down to remind urself is a good way...

u know when i get very jiwang i would write letters to myself (hehe) but yea... to encourage myself...

but dont keep blaming urself lar... and dont dwell on it for too long lar... what is past let it go, and focus on ur present moment!

Anonymous said...

Haha point 3 is np ^^ Its all cool

Gambate! Life is a life long struggle for perfection so no need to be sorry as long as you're trying.

And sp writes letters to herself o.o dats weird.