Tuesday, November 27
My three friends...
Soon, as I talk to her more, I grew more attached to her. She is lovely and beautiful. My identity grew by spending time with her. However, as time passes, she demanded more attention from me and I became obsessed with her.
As time went on, she was not perfect as I thought she would be, revealing her flaws, her blemishes. How I wanted her to change but she strong character never changes. Never! The utter feeling of helplessness made me bitter and resentful.
Then one day, I bumped into another person while going for a lecture class. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Soon, we became friends and her name was 'The Present'.
Unlike 'The Past', 'The Present' is very fickle minded, she goes with the wind, chasing everything she wants as if she was lived for today only.
I tried to follow her, to spend time with her, but she was so unpredictable. When I became close to her, my mood swings with the weather: When the sun shines, I am happy; When the rain pours, I am sad; When the storm clouds gather, and the thunder roars, I feel angry; When it is spring, I feel hopeful; When it is winter, I feel depressed. I realised, as much as I was enslaved by 'The Past' I was also heavily influenced by 'The Present' - going through every activity one after the other.
Once, while following my friend 'The Present', I tripped and fell head down. What hurt most wasn't the physical pain, but pain of losing my pride.
Then a hand reached out, gentle but firm it pulled me up on my feet. I was standing again. I gazed upon her face, her beautiful countenance. Her individual facial features were not that attractive but her features as whole were lovely. I stood totally absorbed in her beauty. I am "The Future", she says smiling then she left. She left shortly after that, saying " If you want to be my friend, you'll need to find me first".
However, that was the only encounter with her. Once a while, I catch a glimpse of her. But I never met her again. Sometimes I can picture her clearly in my mine, at other times, her visage is blurred.
There is always hope I'll find her and meet her.
Thursday, November 22
Sunday, November 4
Hmm...I think I need to confirm that I am jiwang first.
Anyways, this week is gonna be different for me. The month of November, a new month. I did something quite radical also, I got myself PINK coloured braces. Wow! The nurse even looked at me when my itching fingers picked a colour and asked me, "Pink? you sure?" I merely smiled back. Yup, pink.
Yesterday's agenda:
I happily procastinated everything, tutorials, revisions, VPU teachings, Lab reports, etc, etc. So yesterday's agenda was nothing to do with work - A day well spent =)
Oh ya, I forgot to mention, I was in jb, and I played lots of piano.
Tonight's agenda:
I asked my brain, "What are we going to do tonite?" and he replied "The same thing we do every other night, trying to take over the EE2011, EE2004, EE2005 chapters". (Sadly, I always suffer the same fate as Pinky and the Brain - they always fail eventually)
Oh ya, almost forgot, the usual and most crucial thing to do : PROCRASTINATE!!
Tomorrow's agenda:
Going to visit the doctor. Its for my eye 'infection', another pus is growing, disgusting. Going for lectures (Of course, I don't usually skip lectures)
Plenty but I forgot.
Tuesday, October 30
rata tat, rata tat...
The rain pours outside my window. Here am I, sheltered from the pouring rain, but exposed to the inner pouring of the soul. This void, empty feeling, its like a hole, draining the water as rain drops continue to fall. The heavier the downpour, the faster the water drains off, like sucking its life force, draining its youthful vigor. All going down the drain. ALL...
rata tat, rata tat...
The rain abates, the sky brigthens, a silver lining appears in the sky, a rainbow appears, displaying the various hues. Nevertheless, the room remains as it was, dark, gloomy and damp. The diminuendo of rain drops reverberate still so strongly throughout the empty hallways of my heart. Hope beckons, but the heart still clings on to despair, refusing to let go.
The rain completely stops. The trees are nourished, the flowers are quenched. But the thirsty soul still longs for something, a source of water that satisfies and never let one thirst again. Somehow, everything before, its just like the rain drops - it just drops, regardless of its destination, it just falls. But even the rain has a meaning, the rain has its worth (in other parts of the world), the rain has its purpose, the rain has its beauty.
rata tat, rata tat...
The rain starts again, drizzling refusing to give up.
Tuesday, October 23
Saturday, September 22
6th week...
Faced a few disappointments, a few surprises this week.
Firstly, I have been rejected for a post in vpu. Since last year (or last sem to be more accurate), I wanted to eye for a post in vpu. Coz I want to make some changes which I was not happy with vpu last year. Anyways, I respect their decision, and ya, maybe I am involved in too many things, too many commitments. However, its another rejection experience again. I guess I need to get used to it.
Second disappointment - french test. I guess I need to fail sooner, to succeed faster. To be honest, I never did so badly for a test before. Yup, its not even more than 40%. Somehow, this fail I got this time made me more interested and more determined to scored better in French. Seriously, I am actually more interested in French this sem compared to the last 2 sems.
Slept quite little these few days due to rushing the pageant video and various assignments. I did all the catching up on sleep during lectures. I guess thats normal. I wanted to study but didnt had time to study.
On the other hand, I passed my grade 8 exam! It was during 8am when I received an sms from my mom telling me that I passed my exams. Quite an achievement for me, coz according to my mum and my sister, the examiner was quite strict and stingy with marks. But I passed nevertheless.
I got a new pair of slippers. It was sort of a gift for passing grade 8. Haha... The old ones broke last week and I was temporarily using sh's slippers. Quite nice, but I am scared it will be dirty soon, because it is white.
Finally after today's MNO meeting, my group finally came up with a script which I like. In this project, I felt that my group can do more but they are not willing to take a more difficult step. Most of my ideas got shot down by the group. Somehow, I was not happy that the story we discussed was not creative enough. Somehow, I felt that more creativity should be in the video, but the rest think that its good enough to just throw every points straight from the textbook. Its certainly hard to convince them.
I just had DND. Well, tech crew officially ended. Pageant video was screened. The dinner was not bad, quite good actually. However I didn't get to take enough because they didn't replenish the food supply after it is finished. (I thought it was all-you-can-eat buffet) Overall, its was quite entertaining, and too bad someone didn't come for the dinner. Nevertheless I enjoyed it.
Friday, August 31
The quiet stillness
Silent walls...
The still air...
Its the perfect time for me to do my work. No disturbance, no disruptions, just distraction from my laptop.
Somehow, i just had to sit here and enjoy the calmness, the peacefulness.
No momentum to start work, no motivation to initiate it.
A serene night, with a tinge of loneliness.
mixed feelings...
Arrgghh!! it must be those jay chou songs playing repeatedly on my laptop.
安静- Its one of the first jay chou songs I ever heard. Yeah, when I first came to Singapore, it was Ho Wai's favourite song. I guess it was his influence that I began to like that song too. When ever I hear that song I was reminded of the first few months in Singapore. It was very much different then. Somehow, back then the future seemed brighter, or maybe I wasn't think much about the future.
Funny isn't it?
Well, what's even funnier, certain songs remind me of my secondary school days. Last time, I loved to play those Richard Clayderman songs. That was when I just started learning the piano. I was so anxious just learning more and more songs. (mainly to show off I guess) That time, all I ever looked forward was recess, PE, going back home after school and playing starcraft and red alert. Back then, badminton was what I always looked forward for.
Funny how the quietness of this room is working on my mind.
Tuesday, August 28
哥 林 多 前 书 13:4-8
不 作 害 羞 的 事 。 不 求 自 己 的 益 处 。 不 轻 易 发 怒 。 不 计 算 人 的 恶 。
不 喜 欢 不 义 。 只 喜 欢 真 理 。
凡 事 包 容 。 凡 事 相 信 。 凡 事 盼 望 。 凡 事 忍 耐 。
爱 是 永 不 止 息 。 先 知 讲 道 之 能 , 终 必 归 于 无 有 。 说 方 言 之 能 , 终 必 停 止 , 知 识 也 终 必 归 于 无 有 。
Sunday, August 26
life is getting more real...
Yeah, my last sem routine is sinking in again: waking up at 845am for a 9am class, dozing off in lecture, playing dota right after dinner, slacking during the time when I plan to study, having no mood to study...
And I have bravely took up many hall activities again. Hehe...maybe I shouldn't be too ambitious but I was too eager to try to make a change around me. But with the right attitude and lots of prayer, I guess I'll make it through.
But the main difference between 'me in this new semester' and the the 'old me' is that I am smiling more, taking things more positively. Maybe because now things are going my way, that's why I am so happy. Maybe its because I get to eat more good food too...HaHaHa..But when things don't go my way, I hope I could still really be happy in my heart. Anyways, there is no good reason for me to be sad also, because there are people out there who are less fortunate than me.
But sometimes, it feels lonely here in c115.
Tuesday, August 21
If life were a piece paper...
What would I write on my piece of paper?
Would I write long, complicated sentences or short, simple questions?
Would I write unfinished sentences or would I put a full stop to each sentence before I start the next sentence?
Would I have many sentences ending with question marks or exclamation marks?
Mistakes are unavoidable while writing.
Sometimes we can erase or use correction fluid...
Sometimes we have no choice but to cross out the mistakes. Unfortunately, the crossed out mistakes are still visible, but we just have to ignore it and continue writing...
Sometimes, when there are so many crosses and cancellations that the paper looks so messy, we just wish we could throw the paper away and start with a new piece. But, the truth is, we have only one piece of paper...Fortunately, we can cancel everything in the starting paragraphs and start a new paragraph on the new section of that piece of paper. After all, we are still young, there are still lots of spaces left on our piece of paper.
Some would try to write as much as possible within their piece of paper, making their paper as full as possible...
Some would try to scribble a few sentences leaving much of the paper blank...
Some people organize their writings into paragraphs, some don't...
Some people would plan before they write, some would just write impromptu...
Some people write very descriptively...
Some people write very mechanically following a certain structure while using all various jargons...
Some people write very formally..
Some people write poetically...
Some people write very abstractly, which is not easily understood...
Writer's block is often inevitable..so how would some handle it?
Some just stop writing and give up...
Some wait for inspiration then continue...
Some just continue writing for the sake of writing...
Inevitably, all writings would come to an end. How would I end it?
Would I have enough space left to write my concluding paragraph?
Will I be able to write a concluding paragraph if my content paragraphs were so haphazard and messy?
So in the end, it doesn't matter whether I am an A4 paper, whether you are an A3 paper or he is an A5 paper. Everybody has a different piece of paper. Some people get to write more because they are A3 papers, some people get to write less. Life is often unfair. In the end, what matters is whether you have fully utilized the amount of space you have on your piece of paper to bring across your message. Is our handwriting too messy that we cannot bring out a clear message to the others?
In the end, others will be reading your piece of paper, not only yourself...very often, we do not write for ourselves...
What is the message you are trying to let others know on your piece of paper?
Friday, August 17
Monday, August 13
School Starts...
The Piano exam this morning was fine. My sister commented that I came out of the exam room smiling which was much better than last year when I came out black faced and I even scolded my poor sis. Haha...maybe not because I performed better, but I was expecting less this time around. Anyways, my dad said I could take it again next year also just in case I fail...
Anyways, tech crew was much more fun than expected. Really get to know other people better. Haha... I really enjoyed working with kewei, having 9pm meetings with wei de and luo hui, talking nonsense, being childish, acting for other people's films, going for breakfast, going for supper, eating yummy desserts and drinking herbal tea and chicken soup mainly cooked by welfare team kewei, luo hui and other kind tech crew members such as ying qian, kelly, sheau yun (ex-tech crew).
the 7th tech crew members are really so fortunate...
anyways...thats all I did during the holidays. mainly I only remembered the food events in tech crew....
Monday, July 23
Saturday, July 7
been to ubin
I am quite thankful that my video team is so cooperative (even to the extent of cooking 'tau suan' till 4 am). Anyways, the tech crew members are very cooperative also. Cooking tau suan, waking early at 815 to film...
So basically yesterday I went to pulau ubin for the tech crew trip.
The scenery there was so kampung like, I really enjoyed myself there. Well, lots of things happened there while we are at ubin (I will not further elaborate). Nevertheless I enjoyed the trip, mainly because I enjoyed the company. I am really thankful for those who stayed back to accompany me when my bike's chain came off repeatedly for so many times which made me one of the slowest...
anyways, I will elaborate more when I get some pictures...
Saturday, June 23
sweet council...
To the dismay of the guys, the rich vcf girls decided to eat supper at a high class hotel restaurant because they sell their pastries at half price after 1030pm.
Being poor, I shared with 2 other guys... Here are the dishes:
A crispy choclate waffle with soft creamy hazelnut filling. The chocolate is slightly bitter and the hazelnut cream is just simply heavenly... I forgot its name..some rather fancy name I suppose
I kinda forgot its taste too...but I know the chocolate powder is very yummy...
I dont know how it got its name, but the spongy cake is not like any ordinary sponge cake. It is extra spongy and if u press the cake to the tip of your mouth the rum oozes out of the sponge cake and fills your mouth...yummmm
The size of the pastries are really not big. In fact, they are rather small and even with half price it still cost $3...
Sunday, June 17
One step closer to become a singaporean...
Imagine after queuing up for 1 hour, when the worker at the counter finally starts to take my order, I happily point my index finger indicating "1" to order my donuts.
The worker would probably ask me "Are u ordering 1 dozen donuts ? " then I would say "just 1 donut". Then the worker would be shocked and the bakers behind the counter would drop their trays of freshly baked donut in shock!
who on earth would queue up for 1 hour just to buy 1 donut.
But anyway, the donuts are nice. And I bought 1 dozen in the end.
Thursday, June 14
in my free time...
My blog theme this time would include lighter colour themes of mainly blue.

Thursday, May 17
Things taken for granted
A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present Seven Wonders of the World. Though there was some disagreement, the following received the most votes: (1) great pyramids of Egypt, (2) Taj Mahal, (3) Grand Canyon, (4) Panama Canal, (5) Empire State Building, (6) St. Peter’s Basilica, (7) Great Wall of China.
While counting up the votes the teacher noted that one quiet student hadn’t turned in his paper yet so she asked the child if he was having trouble with his list. The reply came “Yes, a little. I can’t quite make up my mind because there are so many.” The teacher said, “Well tell us what you have and maybe we can help.” He hesitated, then read “I think the Seven Wonders of the World are to touch, taste, see, and hear.” He hesitated a little, then added, “And to feel, laugh and love.”
The room was silent. Those things we overlook as ordinary are truly wondrous – a gentle reminder that the most precious things in life cannot be bought, but they can be experienced.
Tuesday, May 15
Wednesday, May 9
Doing sp's tag then entertaining jason! Hehe...apparantly I forgot that sp tagged me first..sry ya =/
Italise the statements that you WISH are true.
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, tag 3 people to do the same test:
I miss somebody right now.
I do not watch tv these days.
I wear glasses or contact lenses.
I love to play video games.
I have tried marijuana.
I have been in a threesome.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy. (usually...)
I have changed mentally over the last year.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I curse. (in my heart)
I’m totally smart.
I’ve broken someone’s bones.
I’m paranoid sometimes.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I need money right now. (I need love not money)
I love sushi. (maybe love is too strong an adjective)
I talk really, really fast. (hmmm sometimes i guess =/)
I have long hair. (gonna cut it soon)
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I couldn’t survive without Caller ID.
I like the way I look. (I cant hate myself, can I? it will only be more miserable)
I am usually pessimistic. (I prefer it to be called realistic)
I have a lot of mood swings. (recently... )
I have a hidden talent. (How do I know it when it is hidden? )
I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
I have a lot of friends. (alot as in 1 million friends??)
I am currently single.
I have pecked someone of the same sex.
I enjoy talking on the phone. (But I dont do it usually)
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop.
Enjoy window shopping. (Coz I usually get bored shopping with girls in general)
I would rather shop than eat. (NO WAY!!)
I don’t hate anyone. (but then, hate is open to intepretation =/)
I'm a pretty good dancer.
I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother. (My mom is cool)
I have a cell phone.
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I’ve rejected someone before.
I want to have children in the future.
I have changed a diaper before.
I’ve called the cops on a friend before.
I’m not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn. ( A lot!)
I’m shy around members of the opposite sex. (I am very shy)
I have made a move on a friend’s significant other or crush in the past. (I dun understand this)
I have tried alcohol before.
I own the South Park movie.
I would die for my best friend. (its worth it)
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
Halloween is awesome because you get free candy. (free candy?? @@)
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it. (the vanguard of human stupidity <- agreed) I am happy at this moment! (depends on the definition of happiness)
I’m obsessed with girls. (Not with "girls" just with 1 girl. sorry =/ )
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
I study for tests most of the time. (Excusez moi? All the time)
I am comfortable with who I am right now.
I have more than just my ears pierced. (not even my ears duh)
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge.
I love sea turtles. (I have never seen turtles)
I spend ridiculous money on makeup. (makeup?)
Plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
I'm proficient in a musical instrument. (I am not yet proficient..soon i'll be^^)
I worked at McDonald’s restaurant.
I hate office jobs. (they kill creativity)
I love sci-fi movies.
I think water rules.
I went college out of state.
I love kisses.
I fall for the worst people.
I adore bright colours.
I can’t live without black eyeliner.
I don’t know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
I can pick up things with my toes. (well I tried to pick up the mini football)
I can whistle.
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake's slither.
I have ridden/owned a horse.
I still have every journal I’ve written in.
I can’t stick to a diet.
I talk in my sleep. (maybe I do...how am i supposed to know?)
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. (well once in awhile ^^)
I have jazz in my blood.
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
I wear a toe ring.
I can’t stand at LEAST one person that I work with. ( =/ )
I am a caffeine junkie. (lately during exam periods)
I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
I’m an artist. (I wish)
I only clean my room when necessary.
I like a person of the same sex. (the context of "like" here is too suspicious ^^)
I love being happy. (Excusez moi?)
I am an adrenaline junkie. (used to be)
3 people who will have to do this
1) Rui Hoooooooooong
2) Ivan
3) Deborah!!
Tuesday, May 1
1st, May, 2007
ruihoong=) 's day.
Monday, April 30
Fitting in...
Yup, if u all are not going to accept me for the way I am, then so be it. Well, its not an easy stand to make, especially when I am about to join a holiday comm where I will tend to be ostracized and forgotten... I predict a certain degree of loneliness ahead during tech crew...well, anyway, there wasnt a holiday period when I was never lonely...so its normal...
Loneliness really drives a person to do whatever he wants. Ya, no more nonsense talk for me, no more attention seeking behaviours for me. Its time to be the person I want to be, a person respected...
Everyone calls me a moocher...but really, I glady accepted that claim for merely getting attention. I am not really a moocher who just takes and not give. I take but I also give. Sometimes Its not that I go grab everything that is free....but the way I portray myself, I sadly regreted that I ever did such shameful acts of grabbing free stuffs and so on. I did it just to boost my name only.
As u guys can see, I am just another attention seeking brat. This superficial character u see here, is me.
So, this holiday time gives me a chance to redeem myself. A chance to be myself. After the exams, there is this sense of purposeless: I suddenly feel lost. But now, I guess with the amount of time I have, I want to do some serious soul searching: What have I been doing my whole life?
Wednesday, April 25
Bubble Bubble....
bubble bubble bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble bubble bubble.....
bubble bubble sort? bubble sort sort bubble sort bubble bubble bubble.....
bubble bubble bubble bubble....
sort SORT....bubble bubble...bubble bubble...bubble...bubble...bubble
bulba bulbsaur....
Friday, April 20
Thursday, April 19
It is this time of the year again...
It is the Time that Temasek locks The Piano!!!
I cant believe it!!! its just some stupid exam period, why do u have to lock the piano??
Tuesday, April 17
In mugger land....I'm the Mugger King (this line wasnt added by me!)
Camping here in mugger land =)
Somehow, the mugger aura is affecting me...
Camping here in mugger land =)
The person diagonally in front of me is eating some mugger sweets (the sour sweets in green packets) just to keep herself awake. Her face squirmed as she popped the sweet into her mouth. like this : >.<
Camping here in mugger land =)
Alas, much time has passed at mugger land. Its time to resume mugging.
Happy Mugging everyone!!
Sunday, April 15
I'm sorry...
2ndly, Sorry to my friends whom I have disturbed them while they were studying.
3rdly, sorry to those friends who are constantly enduring my talking nonsense of "being pro", "i am cool", "my sparta body"....u know. Sorry for being a nuisance. Yeah, I admit: I am not cool, I am not pro...coz only insecure people speak alot to get attention - that shows alot of myself.
4thly, sorry to a friend whom I should have trusted more. Yeah, I know u r dissappointed in me. U said it urself. Sorry... I know we havent talked to each other for long and when we do talk, I always find something to quarrel with u. REally sorry!! I really hope to rebuild the friendship. I really hope it could be like last time. Please dont still be mad at me =(
5thly, sorry for being so inconsistent. Sorry in my different treatment with different people. sorry for different treatment of same people when I am in different moods.
6thly, sorry to all my friends for being so selfish.
7thly, sorry to my friends for being so insensitive.
8thly, sorry for my lack of patience and impulsiveness.
9thly, sorry to those friends whom endured my ranting despite they themselves are facing worst problems than me. Yeah, thanks alot! It really helps me to put in better perspective.
10thly, sorry spoiling the mood of u guys when u all go out. I know, the world doesnt revolve around me. I am really sorry I didnt realised that when I am at bad moods...thats y I am selfish and insensitive.
11thly, I m sorry for my hypocrisy. for example I preach about being content, but I am not contented. blah blah...
12thly, sorry to myself for the lack of discipline. Doing things that I shouldnt do just because I feel lazy or I am bored and seek pleasure..Woe be to me.
13thly, sorry to the anti-jiwang president for posting this kind of post...haha...sometimes, I nid to confront with reality and admit all my shortcomings..
There are many more shortcomings I am aware of myself, but for now, these are the ones I nid to deal with first.
Thursday, April 12
Hi everyone!! I am feeling bored now
Well, I have a relatively free day today. I guess I'll spend time mugging then...
ANyway, my new policy is to learn from jason, I study only when I have the mood to study. I study whatever I want to study or feel like studying. And when I am tired, I just go and sleep....woohoo!!
Surprisingly, I dun feel that much stress yet. althought its only 9 days to my next test. I still feel no urgency.
should I MUg??
Tuesday, April 10
Lolz...the story was quite touching. haha
While halfway through watching, hui en knocked on my door and told me she got supper for me and ivan. But ivan was sleeping, well, oh darn, too bad lar har, I had to finish the whole $5 murtabak all by myself =)
Lol...luckily while watching the touching parts nobody knocked on my door...haha...for some reasons, I rather not be disturb at that moment...
anyways...I've given up on my experiment..but I'll begin another experiment - sleeping more can help improve studies!! ^^
Hey rh, sleeping more will make u smarter...I am gonna try prove that..besides..I read in men's health 'a 16-year study at Harvard shows that people who slept for five hours or less a night were 32 percent more likely to pack major kilos than those who dozed a full seven hours.'
So.....SLEEEEEP is GOOD!!!
hack care studies, sleep is much more important...
Saturday, April 7
emo time(part 2) - 祝我生日快乐
Haha...blame rh and sp for posting 'happy birthday' in their blogs...
Yesterday, ls played me the song'祝我生日快乐'
nice song...been listening to it continuously again...haha
Saturday, March 31
Its EMO time.
time to feel emo. I have been listening to a david tao song " 普通 朋友" repeatedly for many, many times liao.
I think the first time I ever heard that song was during secondary school. The guitar part was nice, and I wanted to learn it.
But I had totally forgotten about it. Until 3 days ago, when I went for the combined concert. The scene was so sad and this song played during the scene was so appropriate. I almost cried...
Haha...I know I am being silly and emo...
Its silly holding on to something which isnt yours...
I am not jiwang now...haha... i m anti-jiwang!
*Wish u are, and will continue to be happy always! =)
high on glucose..
Now, I think I am on overdose of sugar...
Yea....PE is over. Its a pity though...but its gone!haha
Friday, March 30
Haha....now I cant sleep
There is one thing that really pisses me off - whenever people make fun of me while I am doing my programming. I noe that u guys dont really mean it, but hey, sometimes my programme cannot compile and I cannot find what is wrong...it really makes me wanna strangle someone. My logic is correct, and syntax is right...then after a while, I realised that its due to some stupid mistake I had made again....and it usually takes me more than a day of compiling to discover my error....
There was once in lecture, while I was debuggin my program...I really got pissed when my friend said that " I am noob", "the program is so easy, why cannot do".. "So easy lar." Please SHUTUP!!
U can make fun of me at other times and at other situations, but not when I already spent 1 day mindlessly, repeatedly, tidiously trying to find an error which I KNOW IT DOESNT EXIST in my program but somehow IT EXISTS BY SOME MIRACULOUS CHANCE and is giving me alot of unecessary PROBLEMS in my PROGRAM which makes me look NOOB, STUPID, IDOITIC, SPASTIC, RETARDED!.....u'll know what I mean....
Thats why that really irritates me. I am usually blur and I miss details..thats y my program always have some careless mistake or error...
Thursday, March 29
Letting bitterness go and embracing freedom.
First step:
I did the first step by confronting you and telling u what I am not happy about u.
Well, what I want is the friendship, nothing else. I am not asking u to treat me extra nicely, I just dunwan u to treat me that coldly. Just treat me normally.
Second step:
I am not going to harp on it anymore. I'll not hold it as a grudge against u. And i am apologizing, if I had offended u along the way. I'm sorry =(
Third Step:
Start over again. I know the trust is broken and its difficult to rebuild. But if I value a friendship, I'll try not let what other people say or accusations affect how I treat other people(I noe I cant, but I'll try my best). But It will take time. It will take effort.
wells, hope it works out fine...
Till then, its back to work! freedom! =)
Saturday, March 24
How much hope?
There is another kind of player, a good player, who knows that his chances of winning the match is slim, still fights on. Despite knowing that his chances are slim, he still goes all out, and refuses to think rationally, and believes that he still can win.
The thing that differentiates the two is that one has lost hope but the other still hopes.
I am the latter type. Given a slim hope, even though I know its 0.0000000000001% of winning, I will still take whatever hope that is left for me and stubbornly refuse to GIVE UP. Even failure after failure, still naively believing in that slight glimmer of hope. Just like the player who presses on, refusing to give up, until the match is over. Even when its over, he will go back to intensice training to prepare for his next match..
Thats how much hope I need...
Thursday, March 22
Spoken like a true hypocrite
Come on, my own actions betray my speech.
Actions speak louder than words...
Sometimes, I try to project my voice, raise my tone, struggling to bring my message across but to no avail - My actions, my deeds, my works drown and overpower my voice.
Everyone is looking at my walk, not listening to my talk. What I am speaks so loud, that the world cant hear what I say.
Sometimes(Maybe most of the time), I speak too much and I do too little.
Even when I meant what I have said, people have reservations, suspect my motives, question my integrity and doubt my sincerity. Why? Because my words lack content, it lacks the backing up of actions.
That's what I've learnt: talk less and do more =)
but helplessness prevails...
Its like wallowing out of this deep pool of mud, a mire of hypocrisy - the more I struggle out, the deeper I sink back, the dirtier I become.
Give up? No...
*Today's French test's questions seemed easy, but I really couldn't do it despite staying up studying till 4 last night. (Don't even mention scoring coz I doubt I'll scrape a pass) Well, thats the price I have to pay for being so inconsistent in my work. Bleh...the world should be more unfair
Tuesday, March 20
"You know what?" he said
"Yes dear?" she asked.
"You're bad luck!"
Saturday, March 17
wats happening...
I have been rather unreasonable, rather demanding, rather small hearted, rather greedy...GAH!
Perhaps, i need to drown the person deep down inside me...never let it resurface again...
perhaps, drown isnt the appropriate word; I should tame the person inside me, educate him and civilize him...
be o p e n minded, and just let go...
i m sorry...
i m weak...
*this will be my last emo post, as I have applied for membership in anti-jiwang united. Plz note that my happiness is not superficial though I go through various mood swings...I have been through lots of disappointments in life...though I may be moody, sad at times and I may hide it.. but at these sad moments, I embrace it, chewed on it, digested on it, pondered abt it.. it is not a hypocritical happiness...its growing day by day...slowly but surely...though its small now, one day, when I fully learn to trust in Him, real joy is mine...
Sakae sushi and a nice Sparta Body^^
And after that, it was the first time since I went to watch a movie, which was 300. Lolz, well, the movie has lots of violence and gore and some M18 scenes (like LS favourite - the oracle) ...but overall the cinematics is quite nice. I like the way they capture the slow motion of the horses galloping on sand, the robe fluttering and the whip captured in mid air...but really, the whole movie was just fighting and gore, blood, and more gore and more blood, and even more gore....u will get the idea.
Anyways, after watching, when I told the rest I am gonna train a spartan body...they laughed in disbelieve!! just wait and see...one day I'll have it...just wait..haha..lolz, yeah...
*sometimes I wish I could go back in time... how I wish I could take back what I had said to you. I know saying sorry cannot undo what had been done. I really hope I will never do it again, ever.
Thursday, March 15
Apparently, the kidnappers tortured my poor Tor Tor by surgically implanting an artificial eyeball (without using anaethesia). How cruel!!
THe evil mastermind of this kidnap case - tan jo, plotted this evil plan to kidnap my pig and torture it. xy was the evil surgeon who sewed the eye on tor tor. Eric was an accomplice and harboured tor tor in his room. yq was the evil kidnapper, who pretended to borrow scissors from me to gain access into my room then kidnapped my pig. Ivan was supposed to kidnap my pig but he failed.
Anyways, thanks alot guys!! really appreciate it!!! I'll take good care of it!
Sunday, March 11
Its been 4 days since u were missing..
Friday, March 9
Thanks Everyone!!
Thursday, March 8
I have decided to entertain deborah's tag...tagged
"Those who get tagged must post 6 weird things about themselves in their blog and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post, you must choose 6 other people to tag."
1. I feel most motivated to study after the exams.. Weird... after my maths exam, I would feel so motivated to study math, the chapters that are already out..I plan to go to the library after my exams to mug. Then as the time goes by (usually by the 3rd or 4th day), I will stop mugging...then I would neglect my studies. And I hate last minute work.. so if I havent study at the last minute, I tend to give up and dont study at all..
2. The more I listen to 1 song (repeatedly) the more I like it.. That's even weirder I guess. People tend to get sien when the song is played like 1 million times. But, the more I hear it, the more I like a song. For example, my ex-roommate used to play some 'funny' (I found it funny then) chinese songs. But after hearing it repeatedly for like 2 weeks straight I actually loved the songs and I hum the tune. Something even weirder, I can appreciate classical music, and very dissonant contemporary modern pieces.
3. I can spend months and years playing the same game over and over again.. For example - dota. Need me to elaborate further??
4. I can be very noisy when I want to and very quiet when I want to.. Sometimes when I tell other people that I am a quiet and shy person, they laugh in disbelieve. Well, I am really shy, ok. Even my ctw mate says I talk too much during group discussions. Ok, ya sometimes I talk too much crap...
5. I am interestingly boring.. Ya, I dunno what I do when I am bored. But I can spend the whole day playing the piano. My my piano playing sux. yeah...but most of the time, I rot in front of the computer for the whole day.. sien
6. I often talk to the person whom I see in the mirror.. Most of the time I talk to the person in the mirror. I laugh at him (the guy in the mirror), I scold him...sometimes I pity him. Weird..
6 persons I am tagging:
1. the guy in the mirror.
2. Cant think of anyone else..
3. Can I dont tag anyone?
4. Sorry, I like to break the rules
Thursday, March 1
Perhaps the time has come...
Perhaps, it is time to forsake and let go of this fleeting affair - blogging
For the moment...
I need to spend some time reflecting on myself, rather than just ranting...
Monday, February 26
Sunday, February 25
Mid Terms!
Just want to wish everyone all the best for mid terms!!
Just do your best! Achieve your targets! Its not a competition with the cohort but a competition to beat yourself, to gauge your ability, to push your limits!
That is what I am trying to tell myself also!
And when things dont go well, there is always the finals.
Good Luck people!!
Reply to Rui Hoong
Hehe...you are really my lil sis lar, sooooo gullible ^^
Btw I've prepared a light-speed plane to take you back from madagascar at 9:45pm, so you'll be able to reach TH at 10pm for PA meeting!
So coool, I wanna bluff you more...I bet you believed for more than 4 hrs, went around asking ppl somemore...=D
Dearest Big Sis Rui Hoong,
Really? You were bluffing me? I tot everyone said that you were in Kyoto? I went to ur room to find u but u were not around. I even received the post cards from Japan showing the nice view of the fuji mountain. Dont bluff me lar, u were in kyoto rite? becoz u didnt buy me any sovenir thats why u bluff me u were back in th.
Hey, but I am really going to Madagascar tmr. My cousin's wedding is at 5pm at madagascar when converted to Singapore time zone is at 10pm tonite. So sorry, I cannot be at two place at once. Please Beg for Raymond's forgiveness later k? Ampun tuanku, ampun tuanku. Hey sis dont worry, I will get some cool cookies for u from madagascar.
Victor =)
This post contains a msg for rui hoong only...
I will not be attending PA meeting tmr. Coz tmr, I will be going to Antananarivo in Madagascar. Haha...coz my cousin is getting married there. Its rather urgent but it will only be for a one day trip. Yupz, even bought my plane ticket, flight FD3505 going to bangkok first then transfer to Mumbai, then going to Madagasscar by ferry. Anyways, plz tell Raymond I wont be coming for this Sunday's PA meeting, ok? Anyway, I'll be arriving at changi at 4:30pm on monday, so I could take the math test in time. Haha, I'll take lots of pictures there and I'll post it on this blog later when I come back. haha. I'll tell you if I see penguins there.
Anyways, how was Kyoto? Got any souvenirs for me?
Victor =)
Pig year...
Yupz, I guess from now onwards I will not be continuing blogging, coz everything that I blog out sounds like ranting. And it gives the impression that I take petty things into heart and that I am very narrow minded and pessimistic. Well, I am a bit, but not that much.
But, I dunno whether I would sound hypocritical if I only blog happy thoughts or happy moments....
well, dilemma...
Thursday, February 22
when things become difficult...
These things helped me to realise my limitations. It is in these times when I feel so helpless that I remembered that I believed in a God who is strong.
Quoting from familiar Bible verses:
"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weaknesses."
"Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
It seems a rather unusual concept that God's strength is made perfect in my weaknesses. Although these verses have different meanings and different interpretations, but the underlying principle is: Don't just rely on your own strength, but God's strength, because even in our weakness, God's strength will make our weakness "strong".Somehow, I dont seem to really trust it...
Which brings me back here, why am I up 6am early in the morning?To be a chao mugger, I guess.
Yesterday was a pretty stressful day. But Debz, thanks so much for the encouragement and for checking that whether "I am still alive", lolz... Really appreciate that =) Thanks yq and xy for chatting with me making me feel not so lonely and encouraging me. haha, I know I am a bit irritating but u all still bear with me...hehe...
Anyways, back to work.
Sunday, February 11
...the truth
hold on victor, hold on...
Friday, February 9
Fine go ahead, demerit my points...
My CCA commitees do not have a higher precedence and priority than my STUDIES.
So, no amount of threat will force me to do it.
This weekend I am really NOT FREE.
I dun care if u minus my points or sack me (In fact I would welcome the thought of quitting).
I am really trying my best, to fulfill my obligations and responsibilities and I will do it.
However, I am unhappy with the threats. Well, I cant do anything about it right? since I am under the tyranical regime of the hall comm system and enslaved by the CCA points system. Any protest against it would lead to digging my own grave, very much similar to a certain government system.
Thursday, February 8
NUS, beware of MOOCHERS!!
On the bus, I got a shock of my life. The queue outside Subway was so looooong. I never seen so many people in Subway, ever. We gave up immediately. Later I heard that someone actually queued up from 3pm till 355pm.
Well, besides that, there are the milo moochers too! They constantly looking out for a green truck...haha
Well, I just found out what is wrong with my C++ lab program. The prob is: There is NOTHING WRONG with my program. Lol. And y am I graded "F" ?? That is due to the fault of the coursemarker (the program created to mark our C++ programs). It made me spend 2 days trying to find out what is wrong with my program...haha.
Finally, I get to have a nice nap =)
Tuesday, February 6
I am weak
Am i at my limits so soon? So, much work to do, if only I had more time - by sleeping less.
Sigh... So many things to do, so many things to worry.
I nid a break...spare me please? I have 2 deadlines tmr and 1 more deadline on thursday. I am not doing last minute work. Its just that I couldnt find the time. I thought my lab will be fine but...i guess I still have much to learn. I am not there yet...
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
*its funny that although I complained that I have no time, I still have time to blog. Irony isnt it? or issit I just dun wan to do any work anymore.
Sunday, February 4
Un dimanche serein. C'est la vie!
Here I am, lying here on my bed, listening to the soft guitar pluckings(Actually I was lying on the bed just now, I couldnt be possibly be blogging and be lying on my bed rite now). The song, "Cavatina(The Dear Hunter)", brings back memories...memories of the time when I had the passion, the enthusiasm to learn guitar during secondary school. Its the song from my friend's cd, and at that time, I "hogged" it, listening to every track repeatedly. After I left form 5, I never had the chance to listen to that cd again.
Hmm...life's been busy the past few years. My guitar was left in the cupboard for a long period of time, collecting dust, since I came to sg. Wat happened to me? Where did my interest go? As, time passes, life gets busier, the more I get involved in things, I forget what I used to be, what I once loved, what I once pursued...
Last night, my friend was playing track on his msn, and I quickly asked him to send me the file^^ Listening to the song, the fire of interest within me was rekindled..
I'll enjoy this sunday while I can. I've been listening to that song over and over again, doing nothing "productive" - havent touched my lab, tutorials and books. Just a nice Sunday, to sit back, breathe, chill and enjoy life.
A time of reflection...how invigorating, rejuvenating, revitalising, refreshing...
Saturday, February 3
Friday, February 2
#include < vector>
"ISO c++ forbids the declaration of 'vector' with no type"
What do u mean no type? I followed the syntax and I m positive it is correct. Its something like this: " vector < Player> playerlist" I declared "Player" as a class and it is a TYPE! Who says I declared vector without "TYPE"?? So, I wasnt satisfied, and I tried using other types like int, double, string....blah blah. And still the irritating msg appeared again:
"ISO c++ forbids the declaration of 'vector' with no type"
Stupid compiler, THOSE are clearly TYPES!!will u stop giving me these annoying msgs and just compile my programme!
"ISO c++ forbids the declaration of 'vector' with no type"
damn irritating!!
"ISO c++ forbids the declaration of 'vector' with no type"
"ISO c++ forbids the declaration of 'vector' with no type"
and then...I realised:
I didnt type: "#include < vector >"
so, the problem was rectified...FINALLY!! Then I press the compile button. To my horror! rows of msgs appeared:
"expected ')' before "name" , expected ',' or ';' before "name""
"in member function 'void FullTeam::removePlayer(std::string)'"
"expected primary expression before '}' token"
"at global scope 'voit' does not have a name type"...
Then, I realised I spelt "sting" instead of "string", spelt 'voit' instead of 'void'...
Oh wells....i give up
Wednesday, January 31
i am weary
The motivation and determination I had for the past 3 days had vanished...
really feel like giving up and say "I cant cope anymore"...
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
LORD, what does it mean to wait on You? Have I relied too much on myself?
Help me understand what is it to WAIT on You...
I pray LORD, help me understand what is it to WAIT on You,
I want renewed strength, not to be weary and not faint...
"Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Will You give me rest? Life is indeed not a bed of roses.
O, ye of little faith!! Why is it so hard for me to believe those words?
The little toy car...
After a while, the little boy grew old. Slowly his interest in the toy car diminished. All the little boy did now was to spend time on his laptop playing dota all day long.
The toy car wanted his owner to play with him but the boy seemed to be only interested in cystral maiden and phatom assassin. So, the toy car tried to get the boy's attention by making some noise. However, it only seemed to make the boy get more irritated with the toy.
So, the boy decided to lock the toy car behind a sound proof glass case so that the toy car would be quiet. So, with the peace and quiet, the boy was able to enjoy playing dota without distrations and he finally formed a clan and won the World Cyber Games dota tourney held in singapore 2006. He finally found true joy in his life. Every once in a while, he would glance at the glass case and see the toy car. He would then be reminded of his childhood and say to himself, "What a sad childhood I had, if only I had a laptop when I was young. I could have been a champion in counterstrike, diablo and winning eleven too. "
Sadly, the toy car was no longer useful to its owner. It has outlived its usefulness and now lies forgotten in the case. The toy car really wanted its owner to play with it, but the boy has completely lost interest in the toy car. The toy car felt so helpless, hurt and lonely inside the case.
Then one fine day, the toy car just broke out of the glass case and escaped into the garden. It finally learnt to give up on the little boy. It ran into a group of mice. And since that day, the toy car chauffered the mice around the garden. The toy car had found another purpose of its existence and It lived happily ever after.
Tuesday, January 30
keeping in pace...
Today, finally I have the afternoon free. But as soon as I came back to my room and went for a shower, chooi syn came looking for me to do productions recording. Sien, there goes my afternoon...more time wasted on recording and I havent do my c++ lab due tmr and my math tutorial and all other tutorials as well. Oh well, I have all the time in the world. Later, i also got to go do rehearsals for production at 10pm.
well, uni life is a busy life.
Sunday, January 28
I have to be tough...coz life is tough.
Well, can't blame anyone else, besides myself for my busy-ness. Well, firstly, why did I even join 3 heavy commitees in my hall?? I have a video I nid to edit before this sunday, I have to help recording for my productions, not to mention find time to teach my dear actor and actress the songs and on top of all, PA duties and meeting to attend. Why am I even in publicity for PA live awards?
Well, I could have coped with the workload, if I didnt take 6 freaking modules this sem. Well, and out of the 6 modules, all 5 modules are harder than average. Firstly, C++ module, "the killer module" which failed 40+ ppl out of 300. Well, there is a reason why it has 5 modular credits. I've been working on my lab programme code since 2 days ago and I m still stuck. The next killer module would be French 2. The dropout rate is even higher and much tougher than C++. I dont even find math and physics easy anymore.
This sem, I am gonna push my limits. Have been sleeping later every night and waking up early in the morning. I didnt even have time to take naps in the afternoon. I just hope I dont fall sick and I guesss I have to rely on coffee for the next week.
Yupz...life is tough.
Friday, January 26
Wednesday, January 24
Cool, I have always wondered why my math did so much better in jc compared to now. Now I know the answer, it was the brilliance aura emanating from jason that made me smarter. Haha...while paying attention to the tutor, I noticed jason was starting to scribble down some notes. At the second glance, I realised I was wrong, becoz he was actually doodling a sketch of a unicorn. Memories of how jason used to doodle during lectures came back to me. That's the brilliance aura.
Yesterday, my c++ tutorial was quite interesting. The tutor is a Russian. His name is Pavel (pronounced as Pasha). He told us that c++ is very frustration and he really hates c++. LOL. Then a student asked him, " Sir, then what is it that u like? Java? ". He then answered, " Err....actually I like watching movies". Wow, got owned by him. Then the same student asked him again, "Then why are u taking a PHD in computing?". He replied, " Err....to be a professor? I guess, I dont really know what I want to be."...lolz..anyway, he is actually quite a good tutor, coz he doesnt take attendance and he give hints for lab sessions =)
Cherchez-vous un campagnon?
Well, I don't know... Is it just me, or is it I am just someone very irritating and annoying to you, like a thorn in the flesh?
If it is true, I would prefer to be told to me directly about it than just doing it implicitly.
Busy busy busy...why do I choose to do some much work? Does it really matter, if I just skip some meetings or just dont do any work? I feel so cheap, like a child worker being exploited in sweatshops, enduring long hours of drudgery, only to gain meagre CCA points.
Well, anything that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Perhaps.
But the issue here is not being stronger but being able to survive.
One day...I am gonna prove you guys wrong. I am not a nobody.
Monday, January 22
Drowsy & Woozy
And I am having slight gastric at the same time...
so, here I am now, eating and at the same time trying not to fall asleep...
Saturday, January 20
1k team
I didnt expect the trebuchet to perform so well on the actual day.
last night, it was a starry starry night. The night sky was so clear that I could see stars. Come to think of it, it has been a long time since I saw stars...haha. Too bad, tonite it is not as clear as yesterday.
Well, during the times I slacked yesterday while doing the trebuchet, I got this chance to gaze upon the stars. Then foo suggested wishing on the brigthest star (u know like disney cartoons). So I jokingly wished on the star that I would get 1k...coz I not greedy didnt ask for 1 million. Wow, we won 1k today. Haha...
ok ok, actually its the team that made us win not the star. Coz, our team is the "1k team"!
Thursday, January 18
Happiness =)
Ignorance is bliss?
I once told my friend that happy people are the ignorant ppl. Look at children in general, they are so happy! Is it because they know very little about the real world? Perhaps it is. Well, how about children in third world countries? They seem like they are suffering from poverty, hunger and being abused. How can they be happy? Well, they experienced the harsh real world so they know more compared to their counterparts living in the rich developed countries. These rich kids are more sheltered from the cruel world.
Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination. Mark Twain
Another example would be the mentally ill or retarded people. These people are happy, lost in their own worlds. So despite the troubles and difficulties of the world, they are still happy. They do not think much, they do not worry much. But they are happy. How about escapism? Does it make one happy? Well, definitely yes but only temporarily. One cannot escape reality forever. After it is over, you will become unhappy again. Once in form 4, I had to read this book “The Louts Eater” it wasn’t really an entertaining book to me (no offence, coz I didn’t know how to appreciate the book). However, the theme of escapism is clearly being brought up by the author. Well, of course the story is exaggerated but it still has a point to make.
The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven. John Milton
However, is the happiness of these people (mentally ill and ignorant) real? Are they self-deluded that they are happy? Well, my answer is both a yes and no. Happiness is a state of mind. If you think you are happy then you are happy. Yes, we can choose to be happy or not. But somehow, it cannot be denied that sometimes situations can really affect a person despite how optimistic he might be. So, in such situations, you can pretend you are happy but deep down inside you know you are just lying to yourself.
That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest. Henry David Thoreau
Generally, contented people are usually happier compared to wealthier people who are discontented although they have much more in possessions. So, if you are ignorant that we can have MUCH MUCH more and contented with what we have, we are happier. However, the problem is that it is not easy to be contented when you see your neighbor having a bigger house or better CAP score. It is easy to be contented with what I have when I don’t compare with others. There is always a hidden longing in our hearts - “How I wish that was mine…” or “If only it was better…”. I really admire contented people and aspire to be like them.
To fill the hour -- that is happiness. Ralph Waldo Emerson
So, if you are unhappy about something, why don’t you occupy our time with what you enjoy or with the things you like? Or just occupy our time to keep ourselves busy? We would be so occupied that we forget all our miseries. Isn’t that happiness? The problem is that would make us lethargic. Also, in our free time, we do not feel happy again. Well, for me, I would prefer to be less busy.
Whoever is happy will make others happy, too. Mark Twain
Certainly, being in a cheerful company really can cheer one up. On the contrary, being around with sad people can make one depressed. So, to be happy, must we go look for happy people? But if that is the case, will it mean that our happiness depend on other people? If the people around me are sad, does it mean I won’t be happy? What if the happy people are not around anymore, will we loose our happiness? That is one way of interpretation (and I think I have misinterpreted the quote). But surely, the quote meant that happiness can affect other people positively too. So we must be happy if we want a happy community.
My Opinion?
In my opinion, all these do affect happiness. But I feel the most important element that brings true happiness is the fact that you are being loved. Why is it children seem happier? Because they know that they are loved by their parents. Why is it people grieve when their love ones died? Because they do not want to be separated from the ones they love. Why is it that a visit to the old folk’s home, children’s home, or the disabled home can really make its occupants happy? Because they know that there are people out there who care for them. People can find happiness within their families, their friends and spouses. People who know they are loved have this happiness and hope to continue living on even when circumstances become grim.
I personally like this quote the most among those already stated:
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. George Sand
Anyone else has other opinions? Or any fallacies in my reasoning? Feel free to comment.
*haha, yet another serious entry in my blog. Blame it on CTW. I hope this doesn’t bore anyone yet. To those who expect me to put some gossip in my blog, sorry lar…